












9.《Appl.Suf.Sci.》、《J.Alloy Comp.》、《Material Science and Engineering》等多个国际刊物的审稿人.



先后承担科研项目30余项,其中负责国家自然科学基金4项、主研2项;负责省部级项目10余项、横向项目近10项;先后在《Nano Lett.》、《J.Appl.Phys.》、《J.Crystal Growth》、《Thin Solid Films》等刊物上发表论文160余篇,被SCI收录80余篇,已申请发明专利8项,获准3项。






(5)国家自然科学基金项目:硅上异质外延单晶金刚石膜生长机理及磁阻效应的研究(No:19904016, 2000.01-2002.12),负责



(8)重庆市科技攻关项目:大功率LED导热材料与散热技术研究,CSTC2009AC4187 (2010.01-2012.12),负责

(9)重庆市重大科技攻关计划子项目: LED专用透明电极研究(CSTC2005AA4006-A6, 2005.07-2007.06),负责



1. B.D.Guo,Q.Liu,E.D.Chen,H.W.Zhu,L.Fang, andJ.R.Gong,Controllable N- Doping of Graphene,Nano Lett. 2010, 10(12 ): 4975–4980 IF= 10

2. Q.L.Huang,G.Zhou,L.Fang,L.P.Hu,Z.S.Wang, TiO2 Nanorod Arrays Grown from a Mixed Acid Medium for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Energy & Environmental Science, 2011, 4, 2145-2151 IF= 9.446

3. H.B Ruan, L.Fang, G. P. Qin, T. Y. Yang, W. J. Li, C.Y. Kong,Raman scattering and electrical properties of Zn1-xMnxO films,J.Alloys and Comp.(2012), 531:77-81

4. D.C.Li, L.Fang, S.K.Deng, K.Y.Kang,,W.H.Wei and H.B.Ruan,Synthesis and first-principles calculations of the structural and electronic properties of type-I clathrates Sr8Ga16SnxGe30-x,Phys. Status Solidi B, 1–8 (2012)

5. D.C.Li, L.Fang, S.K. Deng, K.Y. Kang, L.X. Shen, W.H. Wei, H.B. Ruan,Structural and electronic properties of type-I and type-VIII Ba8Ga16Sn30 clathrates under compressionPhysica B:Condensed Matter, 407 (2012) 1238–1243

6. L.P. Peng, L.Fang,W.D. Wu , X.F. Yang, Y.Y. Wang, The structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films on various LiNbO3 substrates,Vacuum, 2012,86 (8) 1147-1149

7. F.Wu, L.Fang,Y.J. Pan, K. Zhou, H.B. Ruan, G.B. Liu, C.Y. Kong, Effect of annealing treatment on structural, electrical, a nd optical properties of Ga-doped ZnO thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Thin Solid Films, 520 (2011) 703–707

8. H.B.Ruan, L.Fang, G.P.Qin, and C.Y.Kong,Effect of Annealing on the Formation of p-Type Conductivity in Nano-Zn00.92 Mn0.08O:N Films,J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol,2011,11(12):11049-11054

9. B.Yin; L.Fang; A.Q.Tang,Novel strategy in increasing stability and corrosion resistance for super-hydrophobic coating on aluminum alloy surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 2011, 258 (1): 580-585

10. Q.L. Huang, L.Fang, X. Chen, M. Saleem, Effect of polyethyleneimine on the growth of ZnO nanorod arrays and their application in dye-sensitized solar cells,J. Alloys and Compounds, (2011) 509(39): 9456–9459

11. H.B. Ruan, L.Fang , D.C. Li, M. Saleem, G.P. Qin, C.Y. Kong, Effect of dopant concentration on the structural, electrical and optical properties of Mn-doped ZnOfilms, Thin Solid Films, 2011,519:5078–5081

12. B.Guo, L.Fang, B. Zhang and J.R. Gong,Doping effect on shift of threshold voltage of graphene-basedfield-effect transistors,Electronics Letters,2011,47(11): 663-U50

13. D.C.Li, L.Fang et al., Structural and Electronic Properties of Type-I Clathrates M8Ga16Ge30 (M=Ba, Sr, Yb) From First-Principle Calculations ,Journal of Electronic Materials, 2011,40(5):1298-1303

14. B.D.Guo, L.Fang, B.H.Zhang, J.R.Gong, Graphene Doping: A Review,Insciences Journal. 2011, 1(2), 80-89

15. F.Wu, L.Fang, Y.J. Pan, K. Zhou, Q.L. Huang and C.Y. Kong, Effect of substrate temperature on the structural, electrical and optical properties of ZnO:Ga thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Physica E,2010,43(1): 228-234

16. B.Yin, L.Fang, J.Hu, A.Q.Tang,W.H.Wei, J.He,Preparation and properties of super-hydrophobic coating on magnesium alloy,Applied Surface Science 257 (2010) 1666–1671

17. L.Fang, K.Zhou, F.Wu, et al., Effect of Ga doping concentration on electrical and optical properties of nano ZnO transparent conductive films,J Supercond Nov Magn (2010) 23: 885–888

18. L.Fang, X.F.Yang, L.P. Peng et al., Thermoelectric and Magnetothermoelectric properties of In-doped nano-ZnO thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, J Supercond Nov Magn (2010) 23: 889–892

19. L.Fang,F.Xiao, Y.F.Wang et al., Density and Molar Volume of Liquid Ni-Co Binary Alloys,Materials Science and Engineering B,2006,132( 1-2):174-178

20. L.Fang, Y.F.Wang,F.Xiao et al.,Density of liquid NiCrAlMo quarternary alloys measured by a modified sessile drop method,Materials Science and Engineering B,2006,132( 1-2):164-169


1方亮,张淑芳,彭丽萍等,发明专利:P型GaN上镉铟氧透明电极及其制备方法,发明专利号ZL200710092912.6, 2009.06.24授权

2方亮,张淑芳,刘高斌等,实用新型专利:一种用于密闭发光二极管系统的散热结构,专利号ZL 200520009905.1,2007.03.28授权公告

3李琪敏,罗荣,方亮,国防发明专利,铝合金机械零件阳极氧化后的染色方法,专利号ZL 200610120532.4








1. 2012,重庆市技术发明二等奖:纳米表面工程关键技术的研发及产业化应用

2. 2011.05重庆市科技进步三等奖:半导体照明产品关键技术及工程应用研究(2010-J-3-05-R06)

3. 2009.02,重庆市第三届高等教育教学成果三等奖:现代信息环境下理工类本、硕、博课程教学模式创新与实践(渝第三届证书号:20093046(5-3)

4. 2008年重庆市材料物理与化学学科带头人后备人选

5. 2007.03.26,重庆市自然科学三等奖:“熔融镍基合金热物性的精密测定方法与基础理论”(ZR060301002)

6. 2005年度教育部新世纪优秀人才(NCET-05-0764)

7. 2004.02.02,重庆市自然科学二等奖:宽带隙薄膜材料核化与生长机制及其性质的研究(ZR030200105)
