








Electronphoton scattering is one of the most fundamental mechanisms in electrodynamics, underlying laboratory and astrophysical sources of high-energy X-rays. After a century of studies, it is only recently that sufficiently high electromagnetic field strengths have been available to experimentally study the nonlinear regime of the scattering in the laboratory. This can act as a new generation of accelerator-based hard X/γ-ray sources driven exclusively by laser light. One ultrahigh intense CPA laser pulses will act as two means: first used to accelerate electrons by laser driven wake field (LWFA) to hundreds MeV, and second, from split beam or LWFA-leftover energy reflected by plasma mirror, to collide on the electron for the generation of X/γ-rays. Such all-laser-driven X/γ source have recently been demonstrated to be energetic, tunable, narrow/broad in bandwidth, short pulsed and well collimated. Such characteristics, especially from a compact source, are highly advantageous for numerous advanced X-ray applications. Moreover, the scattering interaction can act a test bed for high-field QED study. Also, preliminary plan of laser wake-field accelerator and radiation source in two high-power laser facilities, 0.5PW in SJTU and 2.5PW in TDLI will be presented, both lasers include two independently compressed two beamlines.


闫文超,上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授、博士生导师。国家重点研发计划项目负责人(青年科学家项目),国家特聘青年专家,上海市专家。主要从事超快超强激光驱动的等离子体电子加速及辐射研究。发表SCI论文40余篇,包括Nat. Photonics, PNASPhys. Rev. Lett.等重要文章,其中ESI 被高引用论文1篇。在国际学术会议中做大会报告、特邀报告共十余次,如在两年一届的全球激光等离子体加速器大会中做大会报告。主要成果曾入选2014年“中国光学十大进展”。曾获得ELI建设特别奖,中科院物理所所长奖等。研究成果已应用在怀柔综合极端条件SECUF、李政道研究所等国家重大科技设施中。